Friday, January 3, 2014

Auld Lang Syne

It's the new year!  Yay!

As per usual, there are decent round-ups.  Here are a sampling:

When I was trying to think of something funny, not much came to mind.  Which made me think that I haven’t seen much that was funnier than the Honey Badger in a long time, particularly for the measly 3 minutes it takes to invest.  Seriously, just watch it again.  Admittedly, it’s not quite as awesome asDecorative Gourd Season in its ability to retain its original hilarity, but its awfully close for a YouTube clip.  Unfortunately, its lingering hilarity does not make honey badger paraphernalia still cool.

As for this year…a year is too long for me to remember.  And I can no longer find the link to college humor’s full top 15 videos, but I had saved these two as faves: 

 (warning: the title says it all--not a cubicle friendly watch)

And perhaps more importantly, in putting this post together I noticed—thanks to sidebar ads--that there is something called Paddy Irish Whisky, and its catch phrase is Sleep When You’re 30.  So I’m guessing it is not terribly good Irish Whiskey?

What the what?

I’m so far behind on my decorating/entertaining/DIYing, I don’t want to think about what else will distract me this year (although we all know distraction is a mouseclick away, so it will happen).  So for my contribution, I think that these are safe bets for 2013 overflows: 

Warm gray is still what everyone is painting their interiors.  It’s the ultimate non-committal.  I say if you have nice Georgian architectural details or a killer modern art collection, embrace it for the long haul.  If you are afraid of or dislike color, do it—all the cool kids are.  I always have a soft spot for it, since Dad could pretty much turn every color request into a warm gray (is that green?  Is that purple?...sort of, but you could also describe them as gray).

Ethnic is still in, but try to be more original than ikat from Joann’s and only do suzani if you have a really great specimen.  (well, obvs, you shouldn’t do any trends unless you already liked them). 
I don’t naturally gravitate towards an ethnic or bohemian look because I am neither.  But, a dose of handmade textiles can help take some granny out of a living room, and ads a layer of interest.  For those of you who lived in Cameroon and Peru, this is easy to achieve.  For us less fortunate, I like, her shop has great pillows and rugs.  I’m also super into Otomi,
 but it is getting trendy L 

But the beauty of anything handmade is that it can’t get as ubiquitous as, say, chevron or trellis prints.  And each piece is a little different. 


The kids are all still trying to have Cara Delevigne’s eyebrows, and the middle-aged ladies are trying to have the middle-aged version, but that shit takes time so I’m confident this trend will hold over if yours are still filling in.
In the meantime, I’m loving my pencil from Anastasia  and I’m wanting to try this shit that makes your eyebrows grow.  Although, now that I’ve bothered to provide all these links, I’ve realized I’m the only one of you who doesn’t naturally have the ability to rock Cara Delevigne brows….so, yeah….


Quote prints will not be per se embarrassing for at least another year.

So embrace it, and try some hand lettering OR this insane shop:  These can hold a space on your wall until I get around to embroidering hankies with Diana Vreeland quotes for all of you. would also make easy work of quoting it up, just not quite as easy as  Not to dwell on Society6, but this is the one I want for my office (b/c it would create too many questions at home):

And 20x200 has the amazing:

So if you’ve always wanted Mellencamp lyrics on your wall, get on it.  We won’t judge you for now (as long as they are graphically interesting). 

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